Why You Need Sober Sisters

sober sisters

Find Some Sober Sisters To Support Your Recovery Why do you need sisters, let me explain. We don’t do this journey of recovery alone. You hear that phrase all the time. What it means is, creating a recovery community for yourself is incredibly important. It can be the difference between staying sober and relapsing. For […]

7 Ways To Get Over Unloving Relationships

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It’s crucial to keep ourselves safe when it comes to matters of the heart, especially when you’re in recovery. Loving relationships have the capacity to bring unimaginable joy to our lives. For me, it can add an element to my life that colors everything else happy. Love is magical, it’s better than any drug. The idea […]

Alcohol Math For Girls


Did you know when it comes to alcohol math girls may not be safe at any level of drinking?  It’s biology. Girls are impaired after one drink and drunk after two. Alcohol affects the behavior of your boys, of course, but not to the same degree or with the same adverse consequences. For boys, drinking […]

Hope For Addicted Women

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In the spring of 1978, First Lady Betty Ford publicly announced her recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. It was a stunning moment for those who had long worked to destigmatize addiction. For over 100 years, addicted women had been fighting to get treatment in silent shame.