Why You Need Sober Sisters

sober sisters

Find Some Sober Sisters To Support Your Recovery

Why do you need sisters, let me explain. We don’t do this journey of recovery alone. You hear that phrase all the time. What it means is, creating a recovery community for yourself is incredibly important. It can be the difference between staying sober and relapsing.

For example, I often have issues that require the experience, strength, and hope of other sober women. Sober women will answer the phone and talk to me about these issues until I feel better. What an incredible resource! Sober women also understand the issues and have valuable advice and suggestions.

Sober sisters listen and understand in a different way

I love my family, but they don’t always know what to say to me, and I don’t always know what to say to them and that’s okay. I care deeply for many of the people in my life, but it’s the same thing. I am okay to admit that communicating with people is something I’m always working on getting better at because…most people can’t read minds.

Sober Sisters Can Read Minds

I need people in my life who can read my mind because I like to suffer in silence. The great martyr inside me wants to feel pain and not tell anyone. I want to keep it a secret and let it fester until I’m being eaten from the inside out. That’s the place where I get to be self-destructive and ultimately go out. This is why it’s vital to have sober sisters who can take one look at me and say, “What’s wrong?” Or, “What kind of trouble are you getting into?” We just operate on a different plane. We get that we wake up in the morning with broken thinking and we need each other to help fix it. We talk to each other for hours about our problems, work, whatever’s taking up room in our heads and hearts.

Sober Sisters Create Long Term Recovery

Now, this is nothing against our loved ones and boyfriends and girlfriends and siblings. I’m just shining a light on this particular part of the recovery family because it is so damn important. Part of a healthy recovery is having people you can tell anything and everything to—it doesn’t all have to be to the same person. In fact, it probably shouldn’t be. But, having women who act as a sisterhood of support and can laugh at the horrors with you and cry at the heartbreak is literally everything.

I’ve learned the hard way that there’s no point in discussing every weird thought that comes into my head with certain people. They won’t get it, and it will upset them. You must know your audience when you go into recovery. The beauty of sober sisters is you can give them anything, and they can handle it. There’s also this weird miraculous phenomenon that we NEVER lose our shit at the same time. It’s the craziest thing. Someone is always stable!

Anyway, we created the sober sisters pins because we literally love our sober sisters and wanted to do something that would show pride in this significant relationship.

To purchase your own sober sisters pins visit the ROR Shop

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