Let Go Of Anger For Healthy Aging

healthy aging

Though emotions are often fleeting, they can have a lasting impact on your health. Stress, for example, may heighten the risk of both chronic and acute health conditions, while happiness can improve wellbeing. What is healthy aging? It’s bringing balance to your life in every way, That means emotional health matters, too. If you’re furious […]

Friendship Quotes: Red Flags Matter

Friendship quotes Red flags really matter

Red flags really matter because they signal danger ahead Do you think the best of people? Believing in others is a great quality. It probably means you’re kind. You may be a people pleaser or an empath. But when you ignore your better judgment, you can get in real trouble later. Why do we ignore […]

Hope Quotes: New Opportunity

Hope quotes Every day is a new opportunity

Every day is a new opportunity for growth. You’ve heard the term “One day at a time.” Recovery slogans like that one actually help to reinforce new attitudes. Did know that you can change your brain and speech patterns by repeating more positive words? Negative self-talk is telling yourself, “nothing can ever change, that you […]