Our Top Tips To Survive Tough Times
Want some help to survive tough times right now? Here are some solutions for the anxiety that we’re all feeling. Is the news driving you crazy? Are you experiencing fear of the future? Join the club. Because we’re all feeling uncertainty right now, we have to find ways to nourish all our senses and bounce back from challenges. One thing is certain, what goes around comes around. This too will pass. But what can we do for ourselves right now?
Spring is coming, the seasons are about to change, and there’s always hope for better times. If you are generally struggling with a relationship, work stresses, news burnout, whatever, here are some of our favorite tips to find peace.
Survive Tough Times 1. Get Out In Nature
It doesn’t matter where you live or how chilly it might be where you are. Spring is coming. Research has shown that getting outside and experiencing the sunrise or the sunset or appreciating the beauty of the changing sky will improve your mood. Nature is a natural high. If you can plant your feet on the sidewalk, the grass in the park near you or the sand, or even a path in the woods, you are forest bathing.
Survive Tough Times 2: Turn Of The News
We have found that one of the best ways to survive tough times and find serenity is to turn off the news. Turn off your phone and other devices. Learning how to destress is something that is really going to make a huge difference overall. This is something that you should certainly focus on if you want to make sure you are trying to keep your mind in the right place. Switch what you pay attention to. For those who can, medication, yoga, tai chi are great substitutions for device addiction that brings on stress and anxiety.
Survive Tough Times 3: Consider Some Therapy
Most people could benefit from some therapy at some point in their lives, and it’s something that you might want to think about if you are going to try and ensure that your mental health is as strong as possible. If you are keen on doing this, it’s vital that you are going to be able to find the right therapy for you, and that can take quite a while in itself. It might be that you need to try out a new place like https://bayareacbtcenter.com or that you have something else in mind, but in any case just think about it and you might find it helps.
Survive Tough Times 4: Shake Up Your Life
What does shake up your life entail? For those who can’t pick up and move or get a new job or avoid difficult relatives, you can do so many things to achieve success at surviving tough times. You can volunteer to help others. You can change your diet to enhance your mood with different food choices. You can choose a few books to read a few minutes every day. You can take short naps. And yes, you can get natural highs by hugging (people or pets)
Tough times are created by outside events, but also by your mental health. If you are having difficulties around how your life is set up, think about ways you can improve your habits and lifestyle.
Survive Tough Times 5: Do What You Love
Finally, spending some time doing something that you love is always going to be a hugely important way to improve how you feel and to care for your own mind a little better. What do you love? Reading, walking your dog, creating great meals in the kitchen. Gardening? There are so many activities that bring joy. Remember what you loved doing as a child. Bring back the love. Figure out what makes you happy and spend some time today doing it.
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