Anxiety Journal Prompt calms your stress
Anxiety journal prompt is a new interactive category for us. Build your own workbook and see the progress you will make. We’ll be adding a variety of journal prompts over the coming weeks, so you can create your own diary of thoughts, feelings, and solutions. We’re a family of writers, so we know writing works to improve life on so many levels. But what is anxiety, anyway?
Anxiety definition is your body’s natural response to stress. It’s a feeling of fear or apprehension about what’s to come. While anxiety is normal and healthy, when a person feels severe anxiety all the time, it can become a medical disorder. People who have experienced trauma often experience increased anxiety – hence PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. But there is a purpose to anxiety that can be helpful.
Managing stress and anxiety by writing
Managing anxiety can become a large part of a healthy recovery if anxiety, stress, or depression are in the picture. There are many ways to manage anxiety including, therapy, medication, meditation, yoga, exercise, breathing techniques, AND WRITING!! Writing/Journaling can help get our feelings out on paper. Sometimes we feel better just by writing something out. Sometimes writing it out gives us more clarity so we know what to talk about with our therapists, sponsors, or trusted advisors.
Use this anxiety journal prompt to get clear on the things that are giving you anxiety and how much you are thinking about them.