Coach’s Corner: Creating a Routine

How many times have you promised yourself that you’d start a new routine, only to find yourself back to your old ways a few months later? You sincerely wanted to make the change; you put in the effort; but it didn’t stick. You probably had big dreams for yourself, but those faded away as you […]
Coach’s Corner: Don’t Give Up/Staying Inspired

Have you ever started something and felt like you wanted to quit? Of course you have. We all have. What can you do when you don’t feel motivated? I bet you think I’m going to say “do it anyway.” Nope. Maybe you can force yourself to take action in that one circumstance, but that […]
Virus Protection When Exercising Outdoors

What you need to know about Corona Virus protection when exercising outdoors Virus protection when exercising outdoors is something you need to know about. Exercise boosts your immune system, so if you’re not already exercising, now is a great time to start. Given that sunshine also boosts immunity, exercising outdoors is a double win. And, […]
How To Strengthen Your Immune System During COVID-19

You can strengthen your immune system with a second line of defense if you’re exposed to the Corona virus Most of the messaging we are getting from the media make us feel powerless against coronavirus. Nobody knows when the Stay at Home orders can be safely lifted or when there will be a vaccine. We don’t […]
Coach’s Corner: How to Get A Healthy High

Want a healthy high that also makes you proud How would you like to go out and get a healthy high with your friends and feel proud of yourself afterward? What if you could get an unlimited supply of safe, free drugs that are legal in all 50 states? Would you do it? Getting a […]
How to Reduce Pot Cravings

Do you wonder how you can reduce pot cravings If you’re wondering how you can reduce pot cravings, let’s drill down and ask a few questions. Do you need marijuana in order to feel more in control, or to reduce your anxiety? Are you dependent on marijuana to sleep well at night? Hoping marijuana will […]