Coach’s Corner: How To Start Running

How to start running is a question we’ve been asked a lot. What if I’m a walker, not a runner How to start running can be an evolution from moving from the couch to the kitchen, to the back yard, to the block, to the marathon. Okay, so you don’t want to run a marathon […]
Coach’s Corner: How to Start Exercising

Want to know how to start exercising? I’ll give you the hints you need to think in a different way. You know exercising is good for you, will improve your mood and nourish your brain, right? So, why is exercising so hard to start. Lots of people say “I don’t have time.” Is that the lie […]
Coach’s Corner: Rebuilding Body Mind and Soul

“Training helped me build myself back up and get myself motivated again.” These words were written by a Strides in Recovery team member, a week before the 5K that the group had been training for. After 3 months of regular walk/runs with her fellow residents at a Los Angeles addiction treatment program, she was asked […]
Coach’s Corner: How to Feel Free during the Pandemic

One of my favorite sayings is “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” Coronavirus is happening to all of us. We can focus on all that we are no longer free to do for the foreseeable future and let that take over our mindset. The uncertainty can be […]
Coach’s Corner: Breaking The Barrier

Breaking the barrier is the secret of the 11th minute. If you have tried running and quit after just a few minutes because of how awful it felt, I have good news for you. The first 10 minutes are the hardest, and it gets much better after that. Here’s why. Breaking the barrier is getting […]
Virtual Walking Group Today’s Topic Disturbed Sleep

See Lindsey and Leslie Gold talk disturbed sleep and join the virtual walking group on Wednesday Disturbed sleep is on people’s minds right now. A friend of mine who is in recovery posted this question to Facebook: “Anyone else’s sleep all messed up during this quarantine?” Within a few hours, he had dozens of comments, […]