4 Tips To Manage Your Controlling Mom

controlling mom

Is Your Mom Controlling? Let me begin by saying there’s a difference between a mom who has healthy concern for her daughter and a controlling mom who has to manage everything about her daughter. A controlling mom goes way beyond the normal authority a mother should have around her daughter. A controlling mom can be […]

5 Tips To Cope With The News


Managing The News If You’re An Empath  If it feels to you as if all the news is overwhelmingly bad, it may hurt to wake up in the morning. What can you do; how can you stay optimistic? How to drown out the mean and nasty? What can you do about your feelings grief when […]

How To Stop The Self-Sabotage

self sabotage

I’m Recovering From Self-Sabotage So I Know How To Stop The Self-Sabotage First, let me ask you a question. Do you think you self-sabotage? OK, another question, do you know all the ways self-sabotage can manifest? Personally, I didn’t think I engaged in any real self-sabotage because I imagined self-sabotaging as far more egregious than […]

6 Tips To Manage An Emotional Crisis

emotional crisis

The Trick To Managing An Emotional Crisis Is To Have A Plan An emotional crisis can come in any shape or sizes. They can come from family issues, work stress, personal problems, and the big ones like death, divorce, and moving. Sometimes we see them coming, and sometimes we are caught off guard and knocked […]