22 Tips For Sober Life This Summer

sober life

Sober Life Does Not Have To Be Boring At first, sober life is tough. You may be used to hitting the clubs and bars, and have friends who do the same. That doesn’t work for most people in their new sober life. But, don’t be alarmed, there’s so much more to life and the truth […]

7 Ways To Raise Your Vibration

Raise your vibration

Did you know it’s possible to raise your vibration Yes, indeed you can raise your vibration. This is true science because everything vibrates with energy, including us humans. If we vibrate in one way it can attract good things, if we vibrate in other ways, it can attract negative things. That’s why it actually is […]

Growing Up In Recovery After You Get Sober

Growing up in Recovery

Growing Up In Recovery: I Wrote The Book Why growing up in recovery is not just stopping using. If you stick around recovery groups for a while, you’ll eventually hear someone talk about growing up in recovery. That’s my story. When this all began, I simply needed to get sober and stay sober. What I […]

5 Tips To Create The Recovery Lifestyle

The recovery lifestyle

 What Is The Recovery Lifestyle The recovery lifestyle is what you do after you put down your drinks and drugs. ddiction recovery starts with putting down a drink or drug, or whatever the addictive substance or behavior is, but then A LOT more has to happen for most people to recover. It’s not like putting […]

Happiness Is 10 Positive Affirmations Away


What Are Affirmations And Why Do They Work Do you wonder what affirmations are and why they’re all over the place? Do you wonder if saying positive things can make them come true? What are they, anyway? Affirmations are positive statements intended to challenge negative beliefs. The concept is that if you repeat positive, self-affirming […]

How Buddhism Has Improved My Recovery


Trauma Survivors Often Discover Buddhism In my opinion, Buddhism is an excellent way of life for everyone, but particularly for creative professionals and people who seek a serene, recovery way of life because they are healing from something. And, aren’t we all healing from something? There is so much about the beliefs and suggestions for […]