Autism And Emotional Health


Ending The Stigma Of Autism Means More People Can Get Help Autism (ASD) is a disorder that can cause mental health issues because of the struggle to fit in. We all know someone who has a child or a family member struggling to get along in life. Mental illness affects us all because it’s all […]

Is Addiction Curable: Know What Recovery Really Means

Is addiction curable

If You Think Addiction Can’t Be Managed Or Wonder Is Addiction Curable, Listen Up Wondering is addiction curable is like asking if diabetes is curable. You may see many people not getting well and think recovery is not possible, but 23 million Americans are in some form of recovery. Do you know someone who is […]

What Are The Addiction Treatment Statistics

addiction treatment

Addiction Treatment Is Crucial To Stop The Epidemic Currently, millions of American lives are directly or indirectly affected by substance abuse and addiction and need addiction treatment. Statistical data shows that untreated addiction has strained healthcare systems and increased crime, poverty, and mortality rates across the U.S. The magnitude of this national public health concern […]

10 Tricks To Deal With Cravings

how to deal with cravings

If you know what to do about cravings, they’re not so bad The first thing to know about cravings is that they are a normal part of quitting anything. While I’m writing about drug and alcohol cravings here, the rules apply for all cravings–cigarettes, food, gambling, compulsive spending, etc. If you go into recovery from […]

Why Do I keep Relapsing


Relapsing Doesn’t Have To Mean Failure When relapsing happens, it can be managed as a valuable learning process. But, when a person relapses repeatedly, further steps need to be taken. Most people suffering from addiction, whatever their drug or behaviour of choice, will at some time in early recovery find themselves in danger of relapse. […]

Recognize The Signs Of Problematic Drinking

problematic drinking

Wondering If You Have Problematic Drinking Problematic drinking happening more and more these days, especially with women. We have heard so many stories of increased drinking over the last few years so know this. You are not alone. Almost everyone has turned to a comfort behavior at times. But, perhaps what began as comfort drinking […]