Addiction Recovery: How Long Does It Really Take?

How long does addiction recovery take

Addiction Recovery Is Not A Stright Path But There Can Be A Timeline Addiction, now called Substance, Alcohol or Behavior Use Disorder is confusing. Here’s some of what we know. 30 years of research shows there are many paths to recovery, as cited in the Surgeon General’s 2016 Report on Addiction. But there are some […]

How To Get Free Of Manipulation

get free of manipulation

In Recovery The Butterfly Shows Us How To Transform And End Manipulation The butterfly is the symbol of recovery for a great reason. The butterfly changes form several times. In its last transformation, it flies away. And you can do that, too, when you have toxic or damaging relationships. You can fly away and detach […]

Tips For Dog Owners In Recovery

dog owners

Dog Owners In Recovery May Need Guidance Dog owners like me need education on how to be the best dog parent ever. Years ago I was a ghostwriter for a dog trainer and learned many tricks of the dog trade that have come in handy over the years as a long-time dog owner. The reason […]

Ghosting and Gaslighting Revisited

gaslighting and ghosting

Gaslighting And Ghosting Are Destructive And Real The term gaslighting, of course, comes from a mid-century movie in which a husband tried to kill his wife by altering her reality and making her think she was crazy. Ghosting is a new term and began to describe the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone […]

Start A Conversation To Help Someone Who’s Sad

start a conversation

Start A Conversation With Someone To Show You Care Start a conversation. It’s as easy as that to support people when they’re sad, depressed, or grieving. What does support really look like? It depends. We all know people who will vent endlessly about all their grievances and pain. Listening for hours to people who sap […]

3 Proven Ways To Change Your Brain

change your brain

Psychiatrists Say The Skills Of Talk Therapy Can Change Your Brain We know that therapy helps because in our family we’ve used it many times over the years as we face different challenges. Talk therapy can change your brain by introducing a new way to think about your problems and interactions with others. When you […]