Why You Have The Sadness Habit Will Surprise You

Sadness habit

The sadness habit doesn’t just happen. This will surprise you: sadness may be a symptom of depression, but it isn’t the cause of depression. You can be sad for many reasons and still have a great and productive life. But what about the recurring thoughts that make you sad? They can be a habit, just […]

My First AA Meeting Changed My Life

My First Aa Meeting

My first AA meeting was a shock. Family members of those in recovery don’t often think an AA meeting might be for them, too.  As a family member myself, I know the state of panic we feel when when our loved ones start their recovery journey, usually with a 12 Step Program. The language of […]

How To Heal A Brain: A Story of Trauma, Addiction, and EMDR

heal a brain

How To Heal A Brain, And Yes, Recovery Is Possible You can heal a brain, even though we don’t talk about it enough. Mental health is something most people prefer not to talk about unless mental illness enters the picture. If you have mental illness or addiction in your family, you know how challenging it […]

Stress Relievers For Everyday

stress relievers

How Many Stress Relievers Do You Use Stress relievers are not just getaways on desert islands or vacations or family reunions anymore. Does the idea of a vacation make you laugh or cry? We used to say we needed a break, a vacation from our stressful lives. And we’d get on a plane or go […]

Honesty In Recovery With Equine Therapy

honesty in recovery with equine therapy

What does equine therapy teach about honesty in recovery Honesty in recovery is the magic that drives the change we need to heal. But how can you get honest after years of denial and a lifestyle of lying about relationships and substance use? Recovery is a huge, still largely untold, story in America. It’s happening […]

We All Need Serenity Now


Serenity means letting go of fear and anger when things are out of control, like right now. Serenity doesn’t mean we aren’t afraid or shouldn’t be angry about what’s happening. It doesn’t matter who you are, what color you are, what your political beliefs are, or where you live. You’re hurting. We’re more divided than […]