Alcohol Math For Girls


Did you know when it comes to alcohol math girls may not be safe at any level of drinking?  It’s biology. Girls are impaired after one drink and drunk after two. Alcohol affects the behavior of your boys, of course, but not to the same degree or with the same adverse consequences. For boys, drinking […]

Recovery Activity Book

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Need help calming down? This recovery activity book soothes and reinforces recovery principles while you learn a new way to think. Recovery literacy is necessary for the whole family to heal.  Find Your True Colors In 12 Steps, translates early recovery lessons so friends and family can join their loved ones in this empowering new […]

Quitting Alcohol Set Me Free

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Quitting alcohol seemed unnecessary when I decided to do it. After all, I am not an alcoholic, I would have said. I have always had a stop button. Alcohol was not my problem. I stopped swallowing at one-and-a-half martinis. (Actually, that’s quite a lot.) I never fell down, got arrested, cracked up the car, lost […]

Children of Alcoholics Have PTSD

children of alcoholics have PTSD

Children Of Alcoholics Have PTSD Just Like Soldiers In War You may think that only soldiers at war experience Post Traumatic Stress symptoms, but children of alcoholics have PTDS, too. Parents and children of alcoholics and substance users also experience recurring trauma that causes lasting damage. Here’s what you need to know. It’s a buzz […]

5 ways Yoga recovery works to restore life after addiction –

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Yoga recovery is a tool that works in many ways to enhance recovery from whatever ails you. Do you know what it is? Yoga is one of six major schools of thought in Hinduism.  There are different yoga disciplines, practices and goals.  The postures in yoga are designed to keep the body fit and to […]

6 Reasons Recovery Fails


Recovery fails, but not because of the addicts. But don’t call people with Substance or Alcohol Use Disorders addicts. After twenty years of seeing millions of families devastated by the ravages of addiction and experiencing real transformation and recovery in my own family, I know what works and what doesn’t. What we’re doing as families, […]