Family Violence International Resources

Domestic violence hotline resource

These domestic violence hotlines from around the world can save someone you love

Family violence is up worldwide with Corona 19 lockdowns and quarantines. Life everywhere has been disrupted. Millions of people have lost their jobs and access to activities and services. Everyone is on edge, frightened, and millions are acting out against spouses and partners. Alcohol and substance use makes family dysfunction worse and more dangerous for women and children. In the U.S a 30% increase of spousal/partner abuse against women occurred in the first two months of the outbreak alone. The U.K. experienced a similar increase of incidence.

Quarantines help abusers control their victims

When escape during lockdowns is not possible and family members are not available to help, victims of domestic violence have no way to report their abuse and get help. Women in many countries are not aware that hotlines are available to them. This international list of resources is a valuable tool for everyone.

1 in 4 women worldwide will be abused by their partner 30% increase U.S. 25% increase U.K. since the virus

International list of family violence hotlines

United States

Violent risk factors are up. Gun sales reached a 7-year peak, with 1.9 million firearms sold in March 2020 alone; and liquor sales also rocketed by 31.7% in the same period, in comparison to 2019. If you or a loved one or friend needs advice or services these contacts can mean the difference between life and death.

National Family Violence Hotlines

A recent study shows that the pandemic exposed severe flaws in the government’s approach to domestic abuse. Funds promised to services who support victims of family violence and domestic abuse back in October 2019 have not yet been supplied. This is surprising, considering the Government signed the Istanbul Convention in 2012 to reaffirm the U.K.’s strong commitment to tackle violence against women and girls. In reality, most of the U.K.’s 48 support services had to shut down at least one of their support channels. Abuse victim shelters are nearing full capacity, and the Coronavirus outbreak made everything worse – particularly for Asian, Black, and other minority victims.

Family Violence Hotlines Across the U.K.

Family Violence European Union

As the Coronavirus Plague’s hit grew hard in Europe, cases of Domestic Violence simply skyrocketed. Designated hotlines in Spain reported a 47% increase in women calling for help and a shocking 700% increase in online approaches from victims. Calls for help increased by 40% in Austria, and in France there’s been a 36% increase in police interventions for cases of abused women and children since the outbreak. Being locked in with their abuser made calling for help harder than ever. Women in France and Spain had no choice, and began asking for help from pharmacists when they managed to go out to get medications. You can help make a difference by utilizing these contacts – whether you’re a victim of Domestic Abuse in the E.U. yourself or know somebody there who is being abused.

Domestic Violence Hotlines in European Countries

Additional Global Domestic Violence Hotlines & Resources
Statistics and Contact Information compiled by Michelle Cardillo sources:
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