6 Ways To Feel Good With A Recovery Lifestyle

The Recovery Lifestyle Ensures More Happiness Less Pain Why should you consider adding some new thoughts and activities to your life in recovery? Take it from me, my life got significantly better when I stopped trying to be a part of a life and world that didn’t suit my sober life and I created an […]
There’s No Question Diet And Mood Are Related

Diet and mood are absolutely connected and if you eat for mood you might feel better Nutritional psychiatrists counsel patients on how better eating may be another tool in helping to ease depression and anxiety and may lead to better mental health because diet and mood are related. And so is gut health related to […]
What Are Quantum Energy Capsules

Quantum Energy Seems Like Magic What is quantum energy and how can you use it for health. Since the beginning of time humans have used minerals and crystals for energy healing. Ever worn a copper bracelet or used a worry stone? We have. Does it work? Energy is everything and we can make it work […]
Stress Relievers That Work For Everyone

We all need stress relievers. Life itself is complicated just managing work, family, and maybe recovery. Add world events, the economy, and whatever else might be going on in your life and it gets overwhelming quickly. Finding the right stress relievers for your needs is more important now than ever before. Trust me when I […]
Staying Sane In The City With Mental Health Issues

Staying Sane In The City With Mental Illness Staying sane in the city isn’t easy when you have mental health issues. I love New York. I grew up in the city and reside here now. I have spent many happy days ( and nights) running around this magnificent city, but this city is also a […]
How To Strengthen Your Emotional Health

Your emotional health will affect everything else in your life Your emotional health is the key to everything in your life, but you may not be aware of it. Ever notice how easy is it to laugh off a bad moment when you’re in a good place? On the other side of that coin, ever […]