Smart Devices For Optimum Parenting

smart devices and children

How Smart Devices Can Help Both Parents and Children Do you wonder what smart devices are and how they affect your parenting? So what are smart devices and how can you keep your children safe? With technology growing every day, the question about how things will be in the upcoming years for the future generation […]

Start A Conversation To Help Someone Who’s Sad

start a conversation

Start A Conversation With Someone To Show You Care Start a conversation. It’s as easy as that to support people when they’re sad, depressed, or grieving. What does support really look like? It depends. We all know people who will vent endlessly about all their grievances and pain. Listening for hours to people who sap […]

3 Proven Ways To Change Your Brain

change your brain

Psychiatrists Say The Skills Of Talk Therapy Can Change Your Brain We know that therapy helps because in our family we’ve used it many times over the years as we face different challenges. Talk therapy can change your brain by introducing a new way to think about your problems and interactions with others. When you […]

Are You Self-Obsessed


And Is Being Self-Obsessed Harming Your Mental Health? Over the years, I’ve met many self-obsessed alcoholics, myself included. Some people are painfully aware that they are self-obsessed, and some have no idea. Personally, I know I’m self-obsessed, or in recovery from self-obsession. But, that’s in part because I’ve had sponsors and therapists who were happy […]

What To Do When You’re Feeling Hopeless

feeling hopeless

Feeling Hopeless Happens A Lot These Days So We Have To Know What To Do If you read the news, live in the modern world, and are faced with the heartbreaking problems of our current world and landscape, then you may feel hopeless from time to time. That is normal and happens to everyone. But, […]

The Habits Of Emotionally Healthy People

emotionally healthy

Being Emotionally Healthy Is Affects Everything Else Do you ever think about your emotional health? I didn’t until I became emotionally healthy. Once my life became peaceful and I found emotional health, which took years and hard work, there was no turning back. I’d never return to a life of emotional upheaval and pain. It […]