How To Manage Your Controlling Mom

controlling mom

Does Your Controlling Mom Drive You Nuts? A controlling mom can drive you crazy. What should you do to improve your relationship? When you’re a child, it’s perfectly normal for your mom to want to manage every area of your life. But, if you’re an adult constantly triggered by a mom who simply can’t keep […]

How To Parent Teens After Sexual Assault

Teen girl comforted by her mom

No One Teaches You How To Parent Through An Assault This is a highly sensitive topic, so know if you are uncomfortable with this and unsure of what is right and wrong, you are not alone. If your teen, whether a girl or a boy, has experienced sexual assault, you and your child are both […]

How To Forgive Someone Who Hurt You

forgive someone who hurt you

There Are Formulas For How To Forgive Someone Who Hurt You If you are dealing with the sting of being hurt by someone you care (or cared) about, you are not alone. Every day people are hurt by ones they trusted, sometimes intentionally sometimes not intentionally. The problem is that some people have the skills […]

How To Be Okay When You Are Not Okay

how to be okay

Life Is Tricky So It Helps To Know How To Be Okay When You’re Not Okay How to be okay is something I had to learn. I was not okay for a long time, which is why I feel qualified to write this article. Not being okay can involve many things. I struggled with sobriety […]

4 Tips To Recover From A Narcissist

recover from a narcissist

It’s Hard To Recover From A Narcissist So Make A Plan First and foremost, you are not crazy. Know that. When it comes time to recover from a narcissist, there’s confusion and shame because at some point you knew you were not being treated well. But confused and gaslighted, you didn’t know how to get […]

3 Mistakes Women Make In Relationships

Mistakes Women Make In Relationships

Mistakes Women Make In Relationships: Top 3 Let me begin with that so we all know we’re on the same page. I’m not judging myself or anyone else. But, after making a few of these mistakes again, I took time to reflect on why it’s so easy to make these fumbles and how to avoid […]