My 15th Sober Birthday

Sober Birthday Leslie Glass with Lindsey Glass

Sober Birthdays Are Milestones That Prove Recovery Works Updated 8/06/23 My sober birthday was only supposed to last 90 days. I didn’t expect sobriety to become my new normal. I took that first chip to see what it felt like for alcoholics to give up the thing they loved the most. Lindsey, my daughter in […]

8 Tips For Sober Travel:

sober travel

Sober People Need To Make Sober Travel Plans Sober travel is easy when you know the tricks for relapse prevention and trigger avoidance. Lately, my travel has revolved more around work than vacations, but both present a clear and present danger for me and most sober people. When you are out of town, you don’t […]

Don’t Leave Before The Miracle Happens


Miracles Like Recovery Don’t Happen On Our Timeline When I speak in recovery circles, the first thing I admit is that I am no one chip wonder. I didn’t get sober once, twice, or even three times. I have been getting sober for 24 years. I got a year, then lost eight. I went to […]

Why Accountability Is The Key To My Recovery

accountability is the key to recovery

Accountability Is What Makes My Recovery Work Accountability is something we all should know about and incorporate into our lives. It’s doing the right thing after you may have done the wrong thing For the purpose of this article, I’m writing about sponsorship in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. I am not trying to convince […]

What To Do When You Hate Being Sober

you hate being sober

Do You Hate Being Sober, So Did I Not surprising you hate being sober at one time or another, especially in early sobriety, so you are not alone. I hate being sober sometimes but the consequences of the alternative are not an option for me anymore. The truth is, these days I only resent my […]

Why You Can’t Take Things Personally

take things personally

When You Don’t Take Things Personally, Your Life Will Improve If you take things personally, you’re at risk for feeling miserable. For those in recovery, it’s even more important not to worry what other people are thinking about you. You may have come across the book The Four Agreements. In The Four Agreements, author Don […]