Family Quote: Building A Harmonious Family

Building a harmonious family may be a new idea to people who have grown up with substance-using parents or siblings or grandparents. As Tolstoy once said, “Happy families are all alike, but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” If you come from an unhappy family, you may not even know it. Is everyone in your family […]
Toxic Relationship Quotes: Signs To Know

To many, it can be hard to tell when you’re in a toxic relationship. After years of dealing with the abuse, or letting little red flags go until it seems like it’s “too late,” these signs may not pop as much as they would for others. This can be dangerous – while these signs aren’t […]
Toxic Relationship Quotes: Show Respect VS No Respect

How can people show respect? Do you know someone who always makes you feel bad? Guess what? When someone doesn’t respect you, the relationship could turn toxic, maybe already is. Whether that friend, partner, colleague, relative – whomever – ignores your feelings or they hop over your boundaries like a jump rope, things can become […]
Positive Quotes: Starting Fresh

Starting fresh doesn’t mean you’re back to square one. You’ve gained so much – so while it may feel like a setback, it’s not. You have more knowledge and experience to keep yourself afloat. Don’t let yourself stress over the clean page; it’s much better than living in the dark. Here are three ways to […]
Family Quotes: Dysfunctional Family Signs

Signs of a dysfunctional family may be clear to everyone, or they may be so subtle you’d never guess from the outside that members are hurting. Lovely quiet voices can actually hide menace and threats. If you have to suppress your feelings, you’re not in a happy family. And worse, you may feel it’s your […]
Toxic Friendship Quotes: Ghosting Is Shunning

Ghosting is shunning taken to a whole new level in the digital age. Isolating and ignoring people has been used forever by regimes and religious groups use to control the beliefs and behavior of their members. Perceived wrongdoing followed by punishment in the form of the silent treatment, banishment, ex-communication, torture, and even death goes […]