Recovery Quotes: How To Say No

Did you know that you have the freedom to say no? It seems that the word “no” is almost taboo to say. We pile so many tasks on our plate and, when it’s out of hand, we agree to tackle another project. Now, we’re stuck under the stress and anxiety of what feels like one […]
Change Quotes: When To Let Go

It’s hard to say goodbye, but when is it time to let go? Many of us tend to hold on to that person or thing far too long – and it takes a huge toll on us. Whether we don’t want to give up hope or have trapped ourselves in a spiral of denial, it’s […]
Recovery Quotes: Negative Consequences

Did you know that negative consequences impact everyone? They don’t just impact the addict in the household. Keeping secrets within the family, especially when it comes to addiction, can make everyone involved sick in multiple ways. While this won’t help the user, it also won’t help the rest of the family come to terms with […]
Motivational Quotes: Your Biggest Bully

Have you ever stopped to think that you’re your biggest bully? When was the last time you stopped and really considered how you’re talking to yourself? What’s your inner dialogue like? Maybe you’re kind and compassionate to others, but you talk yourself down from excelling at what you love. Here are three ideas to help […]
Relationship Quotes: Stable Or Toxic

Is it a stable or toxic relationship? Am I a toxic friend? Is my friendship toxic? It can be hard to tell when you’re not really thinking about the characteristics of your own friendship or relationship. Sometimes, the signs are there, but we’re not too aware of what they actually mean. Here are some key […]
Narcissist Quotes: Anger Defense Or Offense

Anger can be a defense against accusations. This happens frequently in families where there are substance or alcohol use disorders or behavior disorders like gambling. Anger can also be a defense of closely-held opinions or views. We see this anger erupting in politics right now. If you hold an opposing view to a friend or […]