Grief Quotes: After Grief Recover Yourself

After grief recover yourself and still keep your loved one alive After grief recovering yourself means returning to the person you were before. This may seem impossible to do. After the loss of a loved one, especially to drugs or alcohol, there is a special kind of grief. There is a stigma about the disease, […]
Abuse Quotes: Ready To Fight Back

Get ready to fight back – this time, it’s personal. They took everything you had. But now, you’re taking it right back – and more. Toxic relationships and friendships are damaging, but you’re stronger now. You know how to say no, lay down your boundaries, and fight for what you want. Here are three ways […]
Recovery Quotes: Knowing Without Pity

Knowing without pity is the best outcome for sharing your story. We all so want to be understood without judgment. People coping with mental illness, are in recovery from substance or alcohol use disorder, have been homeless or incarcerated are fearful about sharing their past experiences. No one wants to be defined by their traumas […]
Boundary Quotes: Know Your Limits

Always be sure to know your limits – and remember to enforce them. You have your own life to be responsible for. It’s tough to pull yourself out of the mindset that it’s okay to stretch too thinly to be there for anyone who asks. However, we have to remember that we’re only one person […]
Toxic Relationship Quotes: Escape Fast

When you feel that you’re in a toxic relationship – run. Do gaslighting or ghosting sound familiar? How about a constant stream of lies and jealousy? How in control do you feel in your relationship? Sometimes, we give our partners the benefit of the doubt and suppress our gut feelings. Don’t do that. It only […]
Relationship Quotes: How Can I Help

How can I help is something I say all the time We are often overwhelmed with work or relationship difficulties, or tasks to accomplish. Stress is a daily companion; but when you add substance or alcohol use to the equation, the problems multiply. Are you or a family member or friend coping with secrets or […]