Narcissist Quotes: Fake Apology

A fake apology means nothing to you now. Actions speak louder than words. Make sure there’s real change accompanying the apology – otherwise, it’s manipulation.
Kindness Quotes: Show Your Appreciation

Do people show their appreciation of you by being kind or thoughtful? When others care for you, never take it for granted. Appreciation has to go both ways for caring to last. Tip of the day from 100 Tips For Growing Up: Be A Hero To Someone. That can be as simple as showing you […]
Recovery Quotes: Journal To Focus

Journaling is one of the best tools for knowing who you are. Did you know that writing down your thoughts every day is both soothing and creative? And can help you manage painful feelings. Instead of feeling anxious or angry with no way to calm down, journaling lets you identify the triggers to those feelings, […]
Relationship Quotes: Talk To Listeners

Those who listen and respond thoughtfully when you speak are your best friends. People who don’t want to listen can never really help or care for you. Never forget that it’s a waste of time and energy to try to convince a negative person that a positive thing is a good thing, even if it’s […]
Enabling Quotes: When Helping Hurts

Helping someone shouldn’t hurt you in return When helping hurts is something we need to think about a lot more. This quote resonates in so many ways. Do you ever do something to help someone else (a loved one or friend, perhaps) that is way too inconvenient or costly, or painful to you? We have. […]
Relationship Quotes: Stop Giving Your All

Giving your all makes sense when your efforts in friendship, work, or love reap equal rewards. Are you jumping through hoops to please someone who isn’t giving anything back? This is a recipe for self-esteem problems, not to mention resentments and a broken heart. Time for detachment to become a better you.