Paragard IUD Alarming Report

Paragard IUD

Paragard IUD Study Reveals Problems And Concerns

In recent years, the Paragard IUD (intrauterine device) has become a subject of concern among thousands of women across the United States. Marketed as a highly effective, non-hormonal contraceptive option, it gained popularity for its long-term effectiveness and convenience.

However, an increasing number of female users have experienced significant issues linked to the device. Legal proceedings and conversations on its safety and possible hazards have resulted from this. In this article, we will look at the health concerns faced by women using Paragard IUD. We will also explore the ongoing lawsuits against the manufacturer of the device.

What Is Paragard and How Does It Work

Paragard is a T-shaped IUD made of plastic and wrapped in a copper coil. By releasing copper ions that are harmful to sperm, it is intended to inhibit conception. It is also said that copper can help change the lining of a uterus. Thus, the overall environment is not as favorable for the sperm to swim in and reach the fertilized egg. Unlike hormonal IUDs, Paragard does not affect a woman’s natural hormone levels.

According to Healthline, Paragard or any other form of copper IUDs are the most effective emergency contraception method. These IUDs can start working immediately as soon as they are inserted into the uterus. In fact, they are 99.9% effective at preventing pregnancy when used within the first five days of sex.

A medical professional inserts it into the uterus, and it can work for ten years or more. This makes it a preferred choice for women seeking a non-hormonal, long-term birth control solution.

Paragard IUD: Complications and Allegations 

Despite its widespread use, Paragard has been associated with a range of complications that have deeply impacted many women. Reports indicate that the device can sometimes break during removal. This can lead to fragments of the IUD becoming lodged in the uterus.

According to TorHoerman Law, this can result in:

  • Internal bleeding
  • Organ damage
  • Infertility
  • Severe pain
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • Ectopic pregnancy, etc.

Many women also had to undergo surgery to fully remove the device and its fragments. Data from KMPH states that there were around 3,186 breakage reports in 2021. However, they have nearly doubled to more than 6,000 reports by 2023. Moreover, around 4,800+ reports of them were deemed to be serious for the patient.

These thousands of reports have been reported by women to the FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS). In fact, many women who have experienced such health concerns upon Paragard IUD insertion have also filed lawsuits against manufacturers. These cases allege that the manufacturer knew about the potential problems but prioritized their revenue over public safety.

Through a Paragard lawsuit, victims are trying to seek justice and fair compensation for the problems and damages they have suffered. These may include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Punitive damages, etc.

To ensure smooth functioning, all the Paragard lawsuits have been consolidated into multidistrict litigation (MDL). The latest data shows that the number of pending cases in this MDL has increased from 2,651 to 2,690 as of June 2024. With this, the total number of cases in this MDL has increased to 2,773.

Paragard IUD Impact On the Medical Community

Within the medical community, discussions about Paragard have intensified as healthcare providers weigh the benefits of the device against the reported risks. Paragard still remains an FDA-approved contraceptive option. However, healthcare professionals are encouraged to inform patients about potential complications and monitor them closely after insertion.

According to recent data, patients remain happy and eager to utilize the product. It also has a very high continuation rate after 12 months of insertion. In fact, its rates are equal to that of other popular long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) options.

94.4% of Paragard users had first attempted success in placing the device into the uterus. Moreover, 93% of the users reported satisfaction three to six months after placement. However, users need to understand that the problem was never about its placement or effectiveness; it was about the removal.

Most lawsuits have been raised because the device broke during removal. So, if you have had such an experience, you can file a Paragard lawsuit as a part of the MDL.

Frequently Asked Questions About Paragard IUD

How is a Paragard IUD removed

During an office appointment, a medical professional will remove a Paragard IUD by using a tool to grab and draw the exposed threads. The IUD’s arms will fold up as it passes through the cervix, and removal is typically less painful than implantation.

What happens if your IUD breaks

If the IUD breaks, its fragments may get embedded in the uterine wall. Numerous health issues, including internal bleeding, organ perforation, PID, and others, might result from this. Removing these broken pieces might require surgical intervention and can be painful.

What is the difference between Paragard and Mirena

Both Paragard and Mirena are IUDs with over 99% success rate in preventing pregnancy. The primary distinction between the two is that Mirena is composed of plastic and includes the hormone levonorgestrel. Conversely, Paragard is hormone-free and composed of copper.

In summary, Paragard still remains a widely used contraceptive option that is approved by the FDA. However, the growing number of women reporting complications has brought significant attention to its safety profile. Legal actions and advocacy efforts continue to highlight the need for comprehensive patient education and rigorous medical device regulation.

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