Journal Prompt Happiness
Journal prompt happiness gets us thinking about what we want. If you don’t know what makes you happy, you won’t be able to have great relationships. We’re looking at relationships with this series of journal prompts. How’s yours? Are there ways it could be better? Are there ways you could be better? Are your expectations realistic? Take a few minutes to stops and reflect on this important area of your life.
Why Journal about happiness?
Journaling is a wonderful activity to get your feelings out and on the page. Take five minutes out of your day to answer our questions and see what comes up for you. Are you having the relationships you long for? The only way you can really know yourself is to see what you’re thinking. When you start telling yourself the truth, you can make a better truth for yourself.
This is what the research says about journaling
“There is a ton of evidence out there on the outcomes of journal writing therapy, and overall this evidence points to its effectiveness in helping people identify and accept their emotions, manage their stress, and ease the symptoms of mental illness.”
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