Is Addiction Curable: Know What Recovery Really Means
If You Think Addiction Can’t Be Managed Or Wonder Is Addiction Curable, Listen Up Wondering is addiction curable is like asking if diabetes is curable. You may see many people not getting well and think recovery is not possible, but 23 million Americans are in some form of recovery. Do you know someone who is […]
Recovery Literacy Light Helps You Heal
Recovery literacy halts destructive conditioning of addiction and helps you heal What is recovery literacy and how can you get it? We made up the term because so many people think recovery is for the other guy and not for them. Did you know that more than 23 million Americans are in some form of […]
Top 3 Tips For Sobriety In Grief
Sobriety In Grief Is Hard For People In Recovery Sobriety in grief may be the hardest thing to manage. There has been a debate about the stages of grief among experts. Some experts say there are no stages of grief and that people have different reactions and different times and ways of healing. Grief can […]
Sober Quote: Empowering Words
Why are these such empowering words? “I don’t drink.” Empowering words, like these, grow on you. Can you say something that used to cause you discomfort? There are many empowering words that show your pride about things that may once have bothered you. Here’s an example: I’ve lived in places where people frown on you […]
Recovery Slogans For Covid 19
What are your favorite recovery slogans? Mine is not actually a slogan. It’s the serenity prayer. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. This ultimate recovery slogan, which is the foundation and mother of all […]
Your First Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
What can you expect from your first 12 step, or AA, Alcoholics Anonymous meeting? Most people begin their recovery with some trepidation when attending their very first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. For many, just the thought of talking in front of strangers can make them feel exposed or unusually vulnerable. Nevertheless, attending an AA or 12-step […]