19 Symptoms Of Emotional Abuse

emotional abuse

Signs And Symptoms Of Emotional Abuse Emotional abuse is learned. When you grow up in dysfunction, it’s easy to fall into unhealthy relationships as an adult. So, in many cases, emotional abuse is an unwelcome member of every family. Particularly for families experiencing substance abuse disorder in a loved one. Did you know there are […]

Do You Know The Sneaky Ways Abusive Behavior Controls You?

abusive relationship

If You Think There May Be Abusive Behavior In Your Home It’s Time To Learn The Facts Sometimes, you might experience a whirlwind of emotions with your partner. They shower you with affection one minute and explode in rage the next. It’s like standing on shifting sands, and it can be incredibly confusing. On one […]

Do You Have A Gaslighting Partner

gaslighting partner

You can’t win with a gaslighting partner so learn the signs and how to leave Being gaslighted in a nutshell is being lied to all the time. When you are lied to, you can’t make any healthy decisions about your own life. You can’t grow up and be your own person. It’s hard, if not […]

Stress Busters When You Can’t Speak Up

stress busters

Need some stress busters for not being heard, or not being able to tell the truth right now? I sure do. If you’re feeling Pandemic or political stress, you’re not alone. Families are divided on so many important ideas and points of view. It’s stressful when you can’t talk, express yourself, or explore issues. This […]

Family Violence International Resources

Domestic violence hotline resource

These domestic violence hotlines from around the world can save someone you love Family violence is up worldwide with Corona 19 lockdowns and quarantines. Life everywhere has been disrupted. Millions of people have lost their jobs and access to activities and services. Everyone is on edge, frightened, and millions are acting out against spouses and […]

How To Soften Shame


All of us carry the burden of shame, and some of us don’t know where it came from or how to let go of it. “But I was never locked in a closet or beaten with a coat hanger.” I have heard this statement from multiple clients who deny the relevance of emotional abuse. They […]