Self Care With A Recovery Bullet Journal

Do you need a recovery bullet journal for self care this winter If you love writing, a recovery bullet journal is for you. Do you remember daily planners? They allowed you to note appointments, make lists, and outline daily tasks. More than a calendar but less that a diary, they let you plan by the […]
Relationship Journal Prompt: Younger Ideals

Younger ideals journal prompt Younger ideals journal prompt gets you thinking and writing about who you were and how you changed. We’re looking at relationships with this series of journal prompts. How’s yours? Are there ways it could be better? Are there ways you could be better? Are your expectations realistic? Take a few minutes […]
Recovery Products For A Recovery Lifestyle

Did you know that recovery gifts help focus a recovery life? Let me explain. Recently, we’ve been adding recovery products to the ROR website. This is because we know from our own lives that having recovery and wellness items around the house and office promote recovery! When I first came into recovery, I had a […]
Self-Esteem Journal Prompt: Compliments

Journal prompt compliments: Time to remember the good things people say Journal prompt compliments encourages you to think the good thoughts other people have about you instead of dwelling on the negative. Building self-esteem in recovery is critical! It may not be easy at first, but with practice and time, you’ll be amazed at the […]