Growing Up In Recovery After You Get Sober

Growing up in Recovery

Growing Up In Recovery: I Wrote The Book Why growing up in recovery is not just stopping using. If you stick around recovery groups for a while, you’ll eventually hear someone talk about growing up in recovery. That’s my story. When this all began, I simply needed to get sober and stay sober. What I […]

Is Summertime Depression affecting You

summertime depression

Summertime depression can come out of nowhere and bring you down In case you haven’t heard of it, summertime depression is real. The heat, the longer days, the vacations, the beach, the relaxation. The expectation that you’re supposed to be having a great time – but you’re not – can create stress and overwhelm. Stress […]

There’s No Question Diet And Mood Are Related

mood and diet

Diet and mood are absolutely connected and if you eat for mood you might feel better Nutritional psychiatrists counsel patients on how better eating may be another tool in helping to ease depression and anxiety and may lead to better mental health because diet and mood are related. And so is gut health related to […]

Stress Relievers That Work For Everyone

stress relievers

We all need stress relievers. Life itself is complicated just managing work, family, and maybe recovery. Add world events, the economy, and whatever else might be going on in your life and it gets overwhelming quickly. Finding the right stress relievers for your needs is more important now than ever before. Trust me when I […]

Ikigai: Follow Your Bliss the Japanese Way

follow your bliss

Want To Come Alive? Ikigai Means To Follow Your Bliss What does it mean to follow your bliss? Ikigai is the Japanese way to find meaning in your life. Joseph Campbell, who was my professor in college, used to tell us to follow your bliss. The whole idea was lost on me all those years […]

Being Nice, It’s That Simple


Bullying has hit a new high recently in almost every area of life. Are you feeling mean or loving? There are a lot of angry people out there hurting each other and making the season less than jolly. What is making us so mean to each other? Where does the bullying come from? Is it […]