Quotes: From Chaos To Creativity

Quotes chaos to creativity

Chaos to creativity was not what we expected with the health crisis Chaos to creativity is actually shifting the balance of who we are and what we want now. We were in overdrive before the virus hit. Every single one of us had too much to do, and we were obsessed with getting everything done […]

Hope Quotes: It’s Okay To Feel

Hope quotes It's okay to feel

Life can get pretty crazy, but it’s important to remember that you’re only human – it’s okay to feel. You don’t always have to be the strong superhero. It gets exhausting swallowing your emotions to appease everyone. And smiling 24/7 isn’t healthy – in fact, it can lead to drinking. Sometimes, you need to let […]

Recovery Quotes: Instagram Happy or Really Happy

recovery quotes instagram happy

In today’s world, with social media, you can make your life look however you want it to look. I recently read a story about an Instagram influencer who got caught trying to look like she took a trip to Bali. In reality, most of the photos of her “exotic trip” she took in an Ikea. […]

Abuse Quotes: Ready To Fight Back

abuse quotes fight back

Get ready to fight back – this time, it’s personal. They took everything you had. But now, you’re taking it right back – and more. Toxic relationships and friendships are damaging, but you’re stronger now. You know how to say no, lay down your boundaries, and fight for what you want. Here are three ways […]

Recovery Quotes: Knowing Without Pity

Knowing without pity

Knowing without pity is the best outcome for sharing your story. We all so want to be understood without judgment. People coping with mental illness, are in recovery from substance or alcohol use disorder, have been homeless or incarcerated are fearful about sharing their past experiences. No one wants to be defined by their traumas […]

Inspirational Quotes:Many Opportunities

Quote of the day 365

It’s important to take the many opportunities offered this year – they aren’t lengthy visitors. If you’re looking for some help, see why recovery literacy is so helpful.