Narcissist Quotes: They Rewrite History
Narcissists like to rewrite history for many different reasons – all of which are to keep themselves on their pedestal of lies. It’s hard to keep from falling straight into their fantasy world where they’re the superheroes and the people around them are either the villains or simply in distress. You’re not crazy – just […]
Narcissist Quotes: Never Their Fault
There are some great manipulators out there. They know how to get away with poor, toxic behavior and make you feel as though you’re in the wrong. But how can we possibly fall for their acts every time? Here are three tips to consider. Master Manipulators Know You Whether these people are your relatives or […]
Manipulative People Blame Others Never Themselves
Manipulative people blame others for every single thing that isn’t perfect. Are you with someone who thinks you are the cause of every problem? We talk about abuse and narcissism a lot because it’s so important to watch the behavior patterns of people around us. Are they making us happy or sad, anxious or confident? […]
Narcissist Quotes: Toxic People Make Chaos
Do you know how to spot toxic people? Do you know how to avoid them? Take responsibility for your own life and cut them out.
How Do I Heal From Narcissistic Abuse
I am often asked some version of the following question by people who are newly out of an abusive relationship with a Narcissist. They say: My ex treated me miserably. By the time they kicked me to the curb, I was a total mess. I had lost my self-esteem and most of my self-confidence. It […]