Recovery Quote: Attract what you expect

mirror what you admire

Recovery quote of the day Today’s recovery quote of the day is about being who and what you want. If you want to attract people who are kind and treat you well, you have to be kind and treat others well. It’s called the law of attraction. If you want to be respected, behave in […]

Top 10 Positivity Quotes

positivity quotes

We collected our favorite positivity quotes for you! Let’s be real, it’s not easy to be positive and cheerful all the time. No one is and there’s no point in pretending. That’s why having quotes about positivity around can help remind you to have perspective and look on the bright side. We’re all busy in […]

Sobriety Quote: Choose One Of Two Pains

choosing pains quote

Choose one of two pains One of two pains is really calling discipline and persistence a challenge. Challenges don’t have to be a pain. Today’s sobriety quote is about how every day in recovery we get the choice to remain disciplined, which is not always easy, or to deal with the pain of regret we […]

Sobriety Quote: Share Your Story

tell your story quote

Why is it important to share your story Help lift the stigma of mental health and addiction issues. Today’s sobriety quote tells us that in recovery, it’s important that we share our stories with others. It will make you feel better and less alone and it will inspire others. Now, it’s important to know your […]

Do you have a heart of gratitude

Good morning Gratitude given

Why does having a heart of gratitude matter? Sometimes we forget how much other people love and care about us. Feeling the love can help us give love back. Here’s how gratitude improves our lives in other ways.