Abuse Quotes: Your Deepest Heartache

Family can be your deepest heartache because it’s not supposed to be that way. We just got a note from a reader who said his sister was telling lies about him and wanted to know how to make it stop. It’s called triangulation because you have no recourse to fix the lies. Sound familiar? Well, […]
Abuse Quotes: Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is one kind of domestic violence Emotional abuse is more common than you think. In some relationships, family, spousal, or partner there may be a narcissist pulling the strings to control you. But narcissism isn’t the only cause of emotional abuse. Passive aggression is another. Growing up, I was called a girl child […]
Boundary Quotes: How Are You Treated

How are you treated? Sometimes we have someone in our life who doesn’t treat us well and it can be very upsetting and bad for our self-esteem. We can’t dictate how others treat us, but we can create boundaries to protect ourselves. If someone treats us badly, it’s our responsibility to establish healthy boundaries to […]
Boundary Quotes: Stop Allowing It

This is one of our favorite quotes, “Don’t Keep Allowing It.” We tend to put ourselves in other people’s heads and torture ourselves with their motives. Why is someone we love hurting us? What are they thinking? Why can’t they be more (sensitive, loving, caring, respectful)? All we need to be thinking about is how […]
Narcissist Quotes: Abuse Is the Problem

Recovery Quotes: Emotional Roller Coaster