Quotes: To Moms Who Inspire Us

Mother's Day Quotes

Moms who inspire us are not perfect in every but they all offer special gifts that we can appreciate Moms who inspire us may not have the talent for every aspect of mothering. My mom, for example, forgot to instruct me in many important ways, like valuing myself. So my self-esteem is not what it […]

Abuse Quotes: Leaving Abusive Relationships

Abuse quotes Leaving Abusive Relationships

It’s difficult leaving abusive relationships. Those who haven’t experienced this kind of abuse don’t understand the emotional grip these abusers have on their victims. It’s more than making the choice to run – plenty of planning in secret has to go into creating an escape route. Some victims don’t have the option of turning to […]

Friendship Quotes: Red Flags Matter

Friendship quotes Red flags really matter

Red flags really matter because they signal danger ahead Do you think the best of people? Believing in others is a great quality. It probably means you’re kind. You may be a people pleaser or an empath. But when you ignore your better judgment, you can get in real trouble later. Why do we ignore […]

Change Quotes: When To Let Go

Change quotes when is it time to let go

It’s hard to say goodbye, but when is it time to let go? Many of us tend to hold on to that person or thing far too long – and it takes a huge toll on us. Whether we don’t want to give up hope or have trapped ourselves in a spiral of denial, it’s […]