22 Tips For Sober Life This Summer

sober life

Sober Life Does Not Have To Be Boring At first, sober life is tough. You may be used to hitting the clubs and bars, and have friends who do the same. That doesn’t work for most people in their new sober life. But, don’t be alarmed, there’s so much more to life and the truth […]

7 Tips To Stop Relapse Triggers

relapse triggers

Navigating Relapse Triggers: Effective Strategies for Sustained Recovery In the journey of addiction recovery, relapse triggers are the proverbial bumps in the road that can derail progress and challenge sobriety. Whether it’s a stressful day at work, encountering old acquaintances, or even something as seemingly innocuous as a familiar scent, triggers can exert a powerful […]

Try These 7 Mindfulness Techniques

mindfulness techniques

How Mindfulness Techniques Work For Relapse Prevention Mindfulness techniques are used for mental illnesses like anxiety and depression, but they also work in addiction recovery treatment for relapse prevention. While drug and alcohol addiction is rampant everywhere, it’s crucial to understand that no two recovery journeys are ever the same. There are a wide variety […]

Why Relapse Doesn’t Mean Failure

Relapse prevention, self compassion

A Compassionate Perspective On Relapse While relapse may feel like failure and the end of the world, self-compassion can be the motivation that changes everything. Here’s why relapse doesn’t mean you’ve failed. When it comes to addiction recovery, setback can trigger a myriad of emotions—from shame and guilt to frustration and despair. But that’s not […]

What’s Your Relapse Prevention Plan

relapse prevention plan

Everyone Needs A Relapse Prevention Plan No matter what you’re recovering from, you need a relapse prevention plan, and we have one to help. Alcoholism and addiction are sneaky. One minute you feel fine, and the next, a trigger might send you into a spin that makes you want to pick up a drink or […]

Stress Relievers That Work For Everyone

stress relievers

We all need stress relievers. Life itself is complicated just managing work, family, and maybe recovery. Add world events, the economy, and whatever else might be going on in your life and it gets overwhelming quickly. Finding the right stress relievers for your needs is more important now than ever before. Trust me when I […]