4 Tips To Recover From A Narcissist

It’s Hard To Recover From A Narcissist So Make A Plan First and foremost, you are not crazy. Know that. When it comes time to recover from a narcissist, there’s confusion and shame because at some point you knew you were not being treated well. But confused and gaslighted, you didn’t know how to get […]
Tips For Loving A Child Of An Alcoholic

If You Love A Child Of An Alcoholic Compassion Helps Sometimes we find we are in a relationship that is more challenging than we thought it would be. Don’t feel bad if you find yourself in this position. However, living with a child of an alcoholic can be challenging. They can seem selfish and desensitized […]
Relationship Advice For Holiday Arguments

Relationship Advice Will Help You Avoid Arguments During The Holidays Everyone in a relationship could use some relationship advice about being nice right now. We’ve all got our differences, and the mood is both hopeful and divided on many issues. Yes, relationships are really strained at this time of the year. Domestic violence is a […]
Dating With Mental Health Issues…

Dating With Mental Health Issues: What To Do And Say Dating with mental health issues has its own challenges. If you are single and brave enough to forge the dating world, I salute you. Dating is difficult — full stop. The constant mismatching, rejection, self-doubt, and disappointment can be enough to deter the strongest of […]
Tips To Live With A Perfectionist

How I Know That I’m Living With A Perfectionist I live with a perfectionist, which is surprising because I’m not a perfectionist. Or maybe it’s not because my home of origin was highly ordered. Despite the “kookiness,” of my parents, our home was spotless, meals were always served and on time, good grades were important, […]
Relationship Journal Prompt: Forgive And Let Go

Forgive and let go will bring you serenity Forgive and let go is part of healing from bad or past relationships. Do you know how to practice forgiveness? The great thing about forgiveness is that it really will make you feel better. It is worth it. So, take the time to answer this journal prompt […]