Tips To Stay Sane On The Holidays

stay sane on the holidays

Do You Want To Sane On The Holidays Yes, you can stay sane on the holidays, with a little help. You are not alone!! I don’t know anyone who isn’t anxious about something this holiday season. Also, if you’re in recovery or sober, this is an especially stressful time. Holidays are triggering for a million […]

$1 Download Of Our Bestselling 12-Step Coloring Book

12-step coloring book download

Our  12-Step Coloring Book Downloads Are The Perfect Inspiration For Anyone Working On Their Recovery If you have someone in your life who is in recovery–these are great gifts to help support and inspire them. Nothing like a calming and self-soothing activity for someone who is learning new life skills. These coloring books incorporate recovery […]

Don’t Forget To Love Yourself

love yourself

If You Can Love Yourself In A Healthy Way Life Is Easier There are a lot of people out there doing a great job at work, helping their partners at home, raising kids, and managing responsibilities but feeling uncentered or sad. It’s so easy to forget to love yourself whether you have a big life […]

Tips To Stay Sane On The Holidays

stay sane on the holidays

You Can Stay Sane On The Holidays  This season is triggering for a million reasons, so having some useful tips to help you stay sane on the holidays makes all the difference. I pulled a few of my favorite tips from my book, 100 Tips For Growing Up, to help you stay stable and keep […]

Triggered By The News? Self Care Tips Help

Triggered by the news

Triggered means you’re so upset you can hardly breathe. Between unrest, political mess, climate change no wonder you’re stressed Are you triggered by the news? If you’re glued to the news and horrified by what you see, you are not alone. We’re all overwhelmed by Covid information that may or may not be correct, but […]

Self Care Ideas To Brighten Your Home This Fall

5 projects to brighten your home

Self care ideas for your home are just the thing to prepare for winter. Heading into fall and the celebration months is the perfect time to make some easy changes to lift your spirits and enhance your home in preparation for the holidays. Guess what, you don’t have to spend money to brighten your home […]