Sober Quote: Grown Up Drink

Water Is The Grown Up Drink That’s Perfect For Everyone Water is a grown up drink. Who knew? Did you know why water is the very best drink for any occasion? What are the compelling reasons to drink water. Lindsey shows you her tip of the day from her book, 100 Tips For Growing Up. We […]
Sober Quote: If You Knew Me Then

If You Knew Me Then Sober Quote Proves Change is Possible We love the “if you knew me then” sober quote because the debate over whether change is possible is proven. Right here. When people are in active substance or alcohol addiction, even dependence, over a long period of time, it seems as if any […]
Sober Quote: Black Sheep

If you’re the black sheep you can find others just like you and get positive connection Today’s black sheep sober quote is about how we often feel like outcasts as addicts and alcoholics. Constantly feeling there is something different or wrong about you is a recipe for isolation. When we go into recovery we find […]
Sober Quote: Thankful For Another Day

Thankful for another day Being thankful for another day sober quote of the day reminds us of all the trouble we got into when we were active and how LUCKY we are for every sober day. In addiction, we make decisions that land us in the hospital, in jail, or worse. Those of us who […]
Sober Quote: Happy Hour

Happy hour has a new meaning when you’re sober Today’s sober quote of the day honors the nap! Naps are a wonderful thing and can help you reset your day at any time. Recovery gives us time to enjoy life and teaches us we can slow down. Have trouble sleeping? Read about sleep hygiene. Recovery […]
Sober Quote: I Prefer Myself Sober

I prefer myself sober I prefer myself sober reminds us that who we are in recovery is so much better than who we were when we were drinking. Alcohol doesn’t make anyone’s life better and once we give it up, everything gets so much better. Remind yourself as much as necessary, that drunk you is […]