Sober Quote: Growing And Healing

Growing and healing Growing and healing sober quote is about how addiction recovery includes the wonderful process of not only getting sober but also growing and healing. We learn to find ourselves and regain our physical strength. In recovery, we become better versions of ourselves. It’s the incredible opportunity of getting a second chance to […]
Sober Quote: Relapse Thoughts

Relapse thoughts are common but you don’t have to Relapse thoughts can keep you in a shame and blame state. Today’s sobriety quote reminds us that slipping can part of the recovery process for many people. It is nothing to feel bad about. The important thing is to not be defined by your relapses, if […]
Sober Quote: Being in Recovery

Being in recovery restores all the qualities you lost in addiction Being in recovery sobriety quote is about how recovery can return everything we lost in addiction or alcoholism. Often people talk about losing their integrity, faith, and gratitude in active addiction. But, once someone makes the decision to be sober and begins down the […]
Sobriety quote: The reason I don’t drink

The reason I don’t drink The reason I don’t drink sobriety quote gives one of the best reasons we know of why we don’t drink–we want to remember our good nights! So many nights were lost in drinking to blackouts, or whatever… In sobriety, we get to have authentic experiences where we know how we […]
Sobriety Quote: If You Are Persistent

If you are persistent you can have long term success at anything If you are persistent isn’t only about recovery. Today’s sobriety quote is reminds us how important it is to be both persistent and consistent in recovery. If you keep at sobriety even when it’s hard, that persistence will pay off down the road. […]
Sobriety Quote: Loss Of Self

Loss of self is when we’re floundering Loss of self is the slippery slope to despair. Today’s sobriety quote is about how important it is to make your sobriety and the whole of your recovery a daily priority. Now, this does not mean recovery trumps everything in your life–this means you have to take your […]