Treating A Case Of Toxic Anger

Toxic Anger Can Ruin Your Day Or You Can Let Go Have you ever had poison ivy? It’s a miserable rash that seethes, oozes, and blisters. It spreads quickly and can even scar. A recent brush with toxic anger affected me in a similar way. Here’s what happens when you have a run-in with with […]
Do You Know The Signs Of A Toxic Relationship

Do not feel bad if you don’t know the signs of a toxic relationship Most of us do not and end up learning them because we find ourselves in a toxic relationship. First and foremost, you are not alone with your toxic relationship. Second, there is hope of not repeating the cycle. Third, often when […]
Healthy Relationships Vs Toxic Relationships

What Are The Signs Of Healthy Relationships Healthy Relationships are a tricky business! Even when they are good, they can have rough patches. Even when they are toxic, they can have good moments. All this being so, it’s important to know the big signs so you know if you’re partner is struggling or being purposefully […]
Signs of a Bad Relationship

In A Bad Relationship? Here Are The Signs To Watch For Every single relationship is difficult. All of them! But, in some, partners learn to work together and make things better. In some, they can’t and the relationship needs to end. There is no shame in finding yourself in a bad relationship. But, if you’re […]
Top 10 Toxic Friendship Quotes

We’ve collected your favorite toxic friendship quotes in place. How many of these do you know? Boundaries are important in any relationship, but think about the last time you and your BFF shared an embarrassing secret and that supposed “BFF” overstepped their boundaries – and told the rest of your friend group? Read More… People who […]
How to Think Like a Narcissist

Think Like A Narcissist And Get empowered To React Effectively What does it mean to think like a narcissist. Let’s unpack the situation. Narcissists have a playbook. They can be charming, charismatic, seductive, exciting, and engaging. They can also act entitled, exploitative, arrogant, aggressive, cold, competitive, selfish, obnoxious, cruel, and vindictive. You can fall in […]