What Is Gaslighting And How To Feel Better

What is gaslighting

What Is Gaslighting At Home Gaslighting is a tactic that toxic people use to gain control. It actually happens all the time and could be happening to you without you even knowing it. So, right off the bat let’s define the term and then see if it’s happening in your life. What Is Gaslighting: Where […]

Ghosting and Gaslighting Revisited

gaslighting and ghosting

Gaslighting And Ghosting Are Destructive And Real The term gaslighting, of course, comes from a mid-century movie in which a husband tried to kill his wife by altering her reality and making her think she was crazy. Ghosting is a new term and began to describe the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone […]

Did You Know That Gaslighting Is Manipulation


Knowing how gaslighting works and can be used in relationships  helps keep you safe It may not seem like anyone is gaslighting you, but gaslighting can come in different forms. Sometimes those forms are sneakier than we think they can be. Gaslighting is manipulation like when someone, or something, attempts to change reality by presenting […]

Recognize Gaslighting With These Tips

Recognize gaslighting

When You Recognize Gaslighting You Can Begin to Deal With It It’s all around us, but can you recognize gaslighting when you see it in your friends and family? Gaslighting “is a manipulative form of communication where a power differential exists,” said Angela Corbo, an associate professor and chair of communication studies at Widener University in […]

Constantly Hurt Feelings Is Relationship Manipulation

relationship manipulation

Relationship Manipulation: Signs You Should Look For We’ve had a difficult few years, so it isn’t unusual to feel bad or hurt by things going on around you. We are in stressful times but that isn’t a reason to treat people badly. What Is Relationship Manipulation How many forms of relationship manipulation are there? We […]

Narcissist Quotes: Toxic Amnesia

toxic amesnia

Toxic amnesia is when someone denies a hurtful event or something they did. You know it happened. You were there. You know something was lost, broken, or stolen by this person. Another example might be: You know they didn’t show up for a meeting, a date, or an important event, but claim you didn’t have […]