Narcissist Quotes: You’re Not Too Sensitive

narcissist quote Not too sensitive

When you’re not too sensitive, you know the truth. Someone is controlling you by making you feel bad. And there’s no way to fix it. The other person won’t listen long enough for you to speak your truth. Narcissists use the sensitivity chip to get away with abusive behavior. It takes two to have a […]

Narcissist Quotes: Narcissists Project Blame

narcissist quotes how narcissists project blame

Want to know how narcissists project blame? They can’t accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong. So if something isn’t working and they want control over the situation, they literally put their feelings and blame on you. So it doesn’t matter what you really think or what you’ve done, narcissists will turn whatever you say […]

Narcissist Quotes: The Power of Silence

creation is quiet

Creation is quiet is such a beautiful thought, especially in this changing season. It may still be frozen, and sounds of winter are loud where you are, but the thaw is coming. We promise. When the first spring flowers poke their leaves through the softening earth, it’s always a surprise the first time we see […]