Corona Virus And 12-Step Meetings

To go or not to go to 12-step meetings with the Corona Virus? Every day the news is changing on how we should be handling the spread of Covid-19, so I shall amend this article based on the information provided by the AA General Service Office. They say: General Service Office (G.S.O.) has been receiving […]
Inspirational Quotes: Sober Inspiration

Everyone in recovery needs a little sober inspiration! Sometimes recovery itself can make you feel inspired and full of life. Other times, it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and getting a little sober inspiration can be super helpful to keep you going. Especially right now when many people are […]
Inspirational Quotes: Forget Perfections

Forget the word “perfection.” There’s no such thing, so stop looking for it. While it would be great to have no faults, it’s impossible. It’s important to understand and be aware of your actions, as well as those around you. If your partner constantly points out your faults or scrutinizes your every action, walk away. […]
How to End the Cycle of Addiction in Your Family

“You could have grown cold, but you grew courageous instead. You could have given up, but you kept on going. You could have seen obstacles, but you called them adventures. You could have called them weeds, but instead you called them wildflower. You could have died a caterpillar, but you fought on to be a […]
Depressed Quotes: Give Back To Yourself

Stop worrying about others – it’s time to give back to yourself. It’s so easy to get caught up in others’ lives and worry about their needs. But you need to remember to love yourself, too. Without putting your needs above others, it can be easy to overlook what your body and mind are asking […]
Friendship Quotes: Love In Stormy Weather

Who loves you today, tomorrow and everyday, no matter what the weather Who loves you for yourself no matter what? Wishing and hoping that someone will be constant with affection doesn’t make it happen. It may seem boring to love someone who is predictable and always does what they promise. But when everything is at […]