Forget the word “perfection.” There’s no such thing, so stop looking for it. While it would be great to have no faults, it’s impossible. It’s important to understand and be aware of your actions, as well as those around you. If your partner constantly points out your faults or scrutinizes your every action, walk away. That’s one of their significant flaws rearing its ugly head.
The word “perfection” meant a lot
Jason is a player. Plain and simple. He could even display many narcissistic traits. He enjoyed flirting with the other girls on campus and while he was charming and smooth, none of his relationships lasted long. He often made excuses for breaking up with them – after a while, I didn’t believe most of them. The girls he set free were usually confused and heartbroken. They didn’t understand why Jason couldn’t get over their mistakes. He may have even projected some of his own onto them.
They couldn’t see his biggest flaw
The fact that Jason expected these women to be perfect – or change for him – is a major red flag. In healthy relationships, both partners need to be aware of who they’re with and understand one another’s faults. It’s important to acknowledge that neither person is perfect instead of either pointing out every mistake made or overlooking major red flags. Jason’s relationships never lasted because he picked apart his partners, while they often looked past his controlling demeanor.
Forget “perfection” and focus on what might be a red flag
Even if we’re being realistic, many of us want that picture-perfect relationship. And sometimes, we overlook a major red flag that could be indicative of a toxic person or toxic relationship. Healthy partners recognize that their relationship isn’t perfect. They acknowledge that they won’t always see eye-to-eye. But they also know that they have the freedom to be themselves.