Sobriety Quote: Choose One Of Two Pains

choosing pains quote

Choose one of two pains One of two pains is really calling discipline and persistence a challenge. Challenges don’t have to be a pain. Today’s sobriety quote is about how every day in recovery we get the choice to remain disciplined, which is not always easy, or to deal with the pain of regret we […]

Sobriety Quote: Share Your Story

tell your story quote

Why is it important to share your story Help lift the stigma of mental health and addiction issues. Today’s sobriety quote tells us that in recovery, it’s important that we share our stories with others. It will make you feel better and less alone and it will inspire others. Now, it’s important to know your […]

Can Loungewear Be An All Day Dress?

teen pregnancy

My, how Loungewear has changed from at home only, thank you very much, to looking great anywhere. It’s not just your sweatpants for lounging around at home when nobody’s looking anymore. You know what we’re talking about. The history of loungewear comes from the 1950’s when work clothes were formal. Remember how your mother put […]

Top Addiction Treatment In Orange County

addiction treatment in orange county

Resources For Addiction Treatment In Orange County Making decisions about addiction treatment in Orange County, California, like everywhere else, can be challenging. You, or a loved one, may be ready to start the recovery journey but don’t know what kind of treatment is right for you. You’re not alone. Many people delay getting help because […]