8 Tips To Overcome Recovery Resistance

recovery resistance

Supporting a Loved One In Denial: How To Overcome Recovery Resistance

Recovery resistance is common with those who have mental health issues . Often people who are struggling are the last to ask for help, or even admit they have a problem.

Watching a loved one struggle with mental health issues can be a heart-wrenching experience. Whether it’s depression, anxiety, addiction, or other challenges, you may feel powerless to help, especially if your loved one is resistant to seeking professional support. However, there are steps you can take to support them and encourage them to get the help they need, even if they don’t want it. In this blog, we’ll explore strategies for getting help for a loved one’s mental health when they are resistant to treatment.

Recovery Resistance Is A Part Of The Illness

It’s hard to break through the wall of resistance when offering to help someone struggling with mental health. Loved ones often want to be left alone. They feel family members are trying to control them. They can get angry and push you away. It hurts you to try to help someone who doesn’t want help. It feels like rejection

What Can You Do To Overcome Recovery Resistance

  1. Learn More About The Problem

Before broaching the topic of seeking help, take the time to learn more about your loved one’s specific mental health condition or symptoms. Understanding the signs, symptoms, and treatment options can help you approach the conversation with empathy, compassion, and knowledge.

  1. Express Concern and Empathy

Approach the conversation with empathy and compassion, expressing your genuine concern for your loved one’s well-being. Use “I” statements to convey your feelings and observations without placing blame or judgment. For example, you might say, “I’ve noticed that you seem really down lately, and I’m worried about you. I care about you, and I want to help you feel better.”

  1. Listen Without Judgment

Listen to your loved one’s concerns, fears, and hesitations without interrupting or passing judgment. Validate their feelings and experiences, and let them know that you are there to support them unconditionally, regardless of their decisions.

  1. Offer Practical Support

Offer practical support and assistance in accessing mental health resources and services. This might include helping them research treatment options, scheduling appointments with a therapist or psychiatrist, or providing transportation to appointments.

  1. Share Personal Stories or Resources

Share personal stories or resources that may resonate with your loved one and help them understand that they are not alone in their struggles. This could include sharing your own experiences with mental health challenges or recommending books, articles, or podcasts that offer insights and inspiration.

  1. Set Boundaries

While it’s important to offer support and encouragement, it’s also essential to set boundaries and take care of your own well-being. Avoid enabling behavior or rescuing your loved one from the consequences of their actions. Instead, encourage them to take responsibility for their own health and seek professional help.

  1. Consider Intervention

In some cases, staging an intervention with the help of a trained professional may be necessary to confront your loved one’s resistance to treatment. An intervention brings together concerned family members and friends to express their love, support, and concern for the individual and encourage them to seek help.

  1. Seek Support for Yourself

Caring for a loved one with mental health issues can take a toll on your own well-being. Don’t hesitate to seek support for yourself through therapy, support groups, or counseling. Taking care of your own mental health will better equip you to support your loved one effectively.

Offering Hope and Support For Recovery Resistance

Supporting a loved one with mental health issues can be challenging, especially when they are resistant to seeking help. However, by approaching the conversation with empathy, compassion, and practical support, you can encourage your loved one to take the first steps toward healing and recovery. Remember that change takes time, and your continued support and encouragement can make a meaningful difference in your loved one’s journey toward mental wellness.

The Bridge to Recovery is a Kentucky-based mental health treatment center that provide a wide variety of treatment programs for many mental health disorders and concerns. Call now to learn more.

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