Sober Quote: Grown Up Drink

Water Is The Grown Up Drink That’s Perfect For Everyone Water is a grown up drink. Who knew? Did you know why water is the very best drink for any occasion? What are the compelling reasons to drink water. Lindsey shows you her tip of the day from her book, 100 Tips For Growing Up. We […]
Sober Quote: If You Knew Me Then

If You Knew Me Then Sober Quote Proves Change is Possible We love the “if you knew me then” sober quote because the debate over whether change is possible is proven. Right here. When people are in active substance or alcohol addiction, even dependence, over a long period of time, it seems as if any […]
How To Get Rid Of Nasty Bad Habits

We all have bad habits and they are nothing to be ashamed of at all! The bigger issue is, do you want to stop your bad habit? If so, there are lots of ways to attack that bugger. But, let’s back up. First, let’s define a bad habit A bad habit is a patterned behavior that has […]
Recovery Quote: Break Patterns

Recovery quote of the day Today’s recovery quote of the day is about breaking the old patterns. Do you have patterns or behaviors you keep repeating that are no longer serving you? For example, do you go to work for the same abusive boss time after time? Do you find yourself in unhealthy relationships over […]
Recovery Quote: Happy Life

Want a happy life? Who doesn’t To build a happy life, you have to have balance. Today’s recovery quote is about balance. Life doesn’t have to be a grind. We have the power to find moments in the day to enjoy something, call someone, close our eyes for a moment, and do anything else we […]
Quote: Just Start