Stress Relievers For Everyday

stress relievers

How Many Stress Relievers Do You Use Stress relievers are not just getaways on desert islands or vacations or family reunions anymore. Does the idea of a vacation make you laugh or cry? We used to say we needed a break, a vacation from our stressful lives. And we’d get on a plane or go […]

Honesty In Recovery With Equine Therapy

honesty in recovery with equine therapy

What does equine therapy teach about honesty in recovery Honesty in recovery is the magic that drives the change we need to heal. But how can you get honest after years of denial and a lifestyle of lying about relationships and substance use? Recovery is a huge, still largely untold, story in America. It’s happening […]

5 Ways To Stay Motivated After Sober Living

stay motivated in recovery

For long term recovery success, you need to stay motivated after leaving sober housing. There’s plan for that. Can you stay motivated after leaving sober living housing? In sober living, you’re in a safe environment, have structure, recovery support everyday, and caring staff. But what happens when you return home? Long term success and relapse […]

3 Tips To Choose A Recovery Center

3 tips to choose a recovery center

Are you confused about how to choose a recovery center? You’re not alone! How to choose a recovery center when addiction is a crisis in your family? Addiction is so common that almost everybody knows someone who is suffering. Addiction develops for a number of reasons and at different levels of severity. When people do […]

How To Work From Home

Whether you love it not, it’s time to learn how to work from home When the Covid-19 pandemic began, and we were all forced to work from home, it seemed like a temporary inconvenience. Or, a welcomed change. But, as the weeks have turned into months and now we see public unrest, it’s clear that […]

Who is Best Qualified to Provide Recovery Support Services

addiction treatment

The explosive growth of nonclinical recovery support services (RSS) as an adjunct or alternative to professionally-directed addiction treatment and participation in recovery mutual aid societies raises three related questions: 1) What is the ideal organizational placement for the delivery RSS?, 2) What persons are best qualified to provide RSS?, and 3) Are RSS best provided […]