10 Ways To Embrace Your Authenticity

your authenticity

Do You Struggle With Your Authenticity Around Other People To begin, do you know what authenticity refers to? Your authenticity is what’s inside, the real you. The person you are when you feel totally comfortable and at ease to be yourself. For those on the journey of recovery or those who have experienced trauma, concealing […]

5 Tips To Help Heal Your Soul

heal your soul

Ever Wondered If You Need To Heal Your Soul If you’ve ever considered this question you might want to read on. There are a million things that can happen throughout our lives that can cause distress, heartbreak, disrupt our growth, create grief, and require some kind of soul-healing. For many sensitive souls, just living in […]

3 Ways To Restore Relationships In Recovery

restore relationships in recovery

How did do you restore relationships in recovery? Boy, that was a question that stumped me and my daughter for years. People’s behaviors change when family members are using, and our relationship was destroyed almost beyond repair. Lindsey thought I was a terribly controlling and mean mother. I thought she was controlling and even meaner. […]

Do You Have A Mood Disorder

What is a mood disorder

Mood Disorders And Wondering If You Have One Can Be Confusing Anyone can indeed get knocked off the beam because of stress or unexpected changes in their routine. Right now, you may feel you’ve lost your mojo due to any number of reasons. And that may be true. There are so many reasons to feel […]

19 Symptoms Of Emotional Abuse

emotional abuse

Signs And Symptoms Of Emotional Abuse Emotional abuse is learned. When you grow up in dysfunction, it’s easy to fall into unhealthy relationships as an adult. So, in many cases, emotional abuse is an unwelcome member of every family. Particularly for families experiencing substance abuse disorder in a loved one. Did you know there are […]

This Is How To Stop An Argument Cold

stop an argument

Here’s The Secret To Stop An Argument That Never Fails If you really want to stop an argument, we’ll show you how. Have you ever heard the phrase, “Do you want to be happy or do you want to be right?” Personally, I want to be happy, so learning how to stop an argument with […]