Ikigai: Follow Your Bliss the Japanese Way

follow your bliss

Want To Come Alive? Ikigai Means To Follow Your Bliss What does it mean to follow your bliss? Ikigai is the Japanese way to find meaning in your life. Joseph Campbell, who was my professor in college, used to tell us to follow your bliss. The whole idea was lost on me all those years […]

10 Tips To Banish Knee Pain

knee pain

Ease Knee Pain With These 10 Remedies Knee pain is a common problem that impacts millions of people worldwide. Whether it happens due to injury, arthritis, or overuse, knee pain can severely restrict movement and quality of life. Thankfully, many remedies can help remove the pain and get people back up on their feet again. […]

Recovery Fitness Is A Lifestyle Not Just Exercise

Recovery fitness is more than exercise

What the hell is recovery fitness? I think recovery fitness is a healthy attitude about your physical goals as part of your life in recovery. Recovery fitness certainly isn’t just running, lifting, or exercise, although exercise is an excellent way to get those feel-good hormones going again. Exercise is what many people in recovery turn […]

4 Ways To Cope With Someone Else’s Anxiety

someone else's anxiety

Someone Else’s Anxiety Can Affect Your Life: Tips To Cope Do you live with someone else’s anxiety  thataffects your life so much you feel you might have the disorder, too? Well, emotional conditions are contagious. If you live with someone who’s afraid of travel, or being hungry, or other people, you will begin to have […]

22 Positive Affirmations To Boost Self-Esteem

positive affirmations

Positive Affirmations Are A Natural Way To Boost Mood And Self Esteem You may think positive affirmations are silly, but they are not. Positive affirmations can change the way you think, obviously; but they can also change the course of your life. You’ve heard of the law of attraction, right?  It means you get what […]

A Guide To Eco-Friendly Senior Homes


Eco-friendly Homes Are Provide The Best For Loved Ones And The Environment What comes to mind when you hear the term ‘eco-friendly’?  According to Merriam-Webster, eco-friendly implies not being detrimental to the environment. It can refer to items, services, or actions with low environmental impact. Eco-friendly techniques encourage sustainable living by reducing the negative consequences […]