The Coloring Book To Ease Your Children’s Fear
How many coloring books ease your children’s fears in times of crisis? We’ve got just the thing for you. Coloring books are great for people of all ages to reduce stress and be creative. But now, more than ever before, children need a special book created just for scary times like this. Children don’t have […]
5 Activities For Kids (And Adults) During Isolation
When home from work and school for so long, it can be tough to come up with activities for kids. Their energy seems endless – and if you are working from home, it can become difficult to keep a peaceful balance between work and playtime. What can you do to keep your children occupied and […]
Part 3: Narcissism Developing In Childhood
The chances of narcissism developing are never guaranteed when it comes to a child’s environment. However, it’s important to understand why or how narcissistic traits may develop in some people. The exact cause is almost impossible to pinpoint, but it always is important to know what to look for in situations with narcissists – whether […]
What To Do About Lying
I hate being lied to. I grew up in a den of liars, so as a parent, I refuse to tolerate lying, but that’s easier said than done. My teenage son Keith has lied to me twice in the last 12 hours. Lying Begets Lying Everyone in my family of origin lies. My Mom lies […]
Video: College Drinking – Did You Know
This List Of Excuses For Not Drinking At Parties Will Make You Laugh
Do you break out in handcuffs when you drink at parties? Here’s a list of 10 excuses for your sober curious adventure