Teen Bullying Affects Impressionable Brains

Teen bullying

Teen bullying results in more than psychological effects Research now shows that there may be physical structural differences in the brains of adolescents who are regularly victimized, and this could increase the chance that they suffer from mental illness. This is the conclusion of a study in the journal Molecular Psychiatry which is published by Springer Nature. […]

Teens At Risk For Marijuana Addiction

marijuana addiction

Marijuana addiction is real. We know because we have experienced it. You may not believe that marijuana is addictive, but it is especially for our youth and therefore, very important for you to know more about. Statistics from research reveal that about 9% of all users become dependent on marijuana. This number increases among youth […]

Homeschooling Parents Need Self-Care

Homeschooling Parents Need Self-Care

Why do homeschooling parents need self-care? Because life was hard enough being a parent with school and help. Now, with homeschooling and many working from home, life is simply non-stop. Also, many are lacking the crucial support they need from school, home help, jobs or anything else that’s been disrupted by Covid-19. But, it can […]

Marijuana’s Effect On the Teen Brain

water color teen brain art

From The American College Of Pediatrics: Teenagers’ rapidly developing brains put them at high risk of harm from marijuana use. New research reveals the grave risks associated with chronic use of marijuana in adolescents. Marijuana And THC The main active chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). When marijuana is smoked, THC rapidly passes from the […]

The Coloring Book To Ease Your Children’s Fear

time to color

How many coloring books ease your children’s fears in times of crisis? We’ve got just the thing for you. Coloring books are great for people of all ages to reduce stress and be creative. But now, more than ever before, children need a special book created just for scary times like this. Children don’t have […]

5 Activities For Kids (And Adults) During Isolation

5 Activities For Kids (And Adults) During Isolation

When home from work and school for so long, it can be tough to come up with activities for kids. Their energy seems endless – and if you are working from home, it can become difficult to keep a peaceful balance between work and playtime. What can you do to keep your children occupied and […]